Results from Junior Quadrangular Tournament
Posted: 07/04/21
The annual Junior Quadrangular tournament contested by Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty was held over the weekend of 27, 28 March at the Franklin Squash Club in Auckland after being cancelled in 2020 due to covid restrictions.
The Northland team did extremely well placing 3rd at this event, winning against Waikato (12-6) and losing to Auckland (13-5) and Bay of Plenty (13-5). Each district team is composed of 18 players from Under 13 to Under 19 and play three rounds of matches against the 3 districts. Auckland won the tournament.
Congratulations to all the team, thanks to our coaches Paul Hornsby and Max Trimble, managers Ange Vette and Russell Blomquist and Squash Auckland and the Franklin Squash club for hosting a great event. The 2021 tournament will be held in the Bay of Plenty.
2021 Northland Junior Quadrangular Team